Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Gravity: Expansion Shield for Intel® Joule™


KDRobotKit’s Expansion Shield for Intel® Joule™ is a powerful add-on component to the Intel® Joule™ compute module with its carrier Expansion Board for Intel® Joule™. Other than what is originally supported by Intel® Joule™ and the expansion board, the expansion shield adds following features especially for robotics, smart gadget, and IoT device development uses.

  • Analog input support

  • 3.3V / 5V switchable power voltage

  • Standard extended connectors (KDRobotKit Gravity Series sensors and modules compatible)

  • The expansion shield is sized just as big as the expansion board and can be easily mounted on to the expansion board through breakout pins. Its well-designed shape and layout allows you to get all access to the connectors, LED indicators and buttons on the Intel® Joule™ compute module and the expansion board.

    Gravity: Expansion Shield for Intel® Joule™ - KDRobotKit


  • Digital I/O: 8

  • PWM: 4

  • Analog I/O: 8 (using onboard chip via I2C)

  • SPI: 1 (with 3 chip select pins)

  • I2C: 3

  • UART: 3

  • Power Output: 5V & 3.3V & 1.8V

  • Gravity I2C: 1

  • Gravity UART: 1

  • Module Voltage: 5V or 3.3V

  • Size: 86mm * 71mm * 22mm

  • Weight: 30g


  • Expansion Shield for Intel® Joule™ x1

  • Nylon Column x3

  • Nylon Screw x6

    Gravity Expansion Shield for Intel Joule SKU: DFR0465 Wiki


  • Intel® Joule Expansion Board Pin Connector 

  • Home page of Intel Joule 

  • Expansion Board for Intel Joule Schematic 

  • Gravity Expansion Shield for Intel Joule Schematic 

  • ADS1115 datasheet 

  • Software:

  • Intel® Joule Module User Guide 

  • libmraa - Low Level Skeleton Library 

  • Intel® Joule™ Module Code Samples 

  • Flashing the development platform with the latest version of Reference Linux* OS for IoT 

  • Flashing the BIOS 


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