Monday, December 31, 2018



The 400 Tie Point Interlocking Solderless Breadboard is a cute half size breadboard, good for small projects. It is 8.2cm(3.23") x 6.2cm(2.44") in size with a standard double-strip in the middle and two power rails on both sides. You can pull the power rails off easily to make the breadboard as thin as 3.5cm and stick it onto an Arduino protoshield. You can also cut these in half with a saw to create 2 tiny breadboards, or "snap" these breadboards together either way to make longer or wider breadboards.


  • 400 Tie Points

  • Self-adhesive

  • Can be interlocked for larger projects

  • 2 power lanes

  • Horizontal: 1-30

  • Vertical: A-J

  • Dimensions: 8.2cm x 6.2 cm(3.23"x2.44")

  • Crystal


  • Clear 400 tie point bread board x1


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