Sunday, December 30, 2018

24Mhz 8 Channel Logic analyzer (Saleae Logic Compatible)


This 24Mhz 8 Channel Logic analyzer is discontinued now, Please go the KDRobotKit homepage to see other products.

This is a very affordable 24Mhz 8 Channel USB Logic analyzer. This is a hobbyist level analyzer, ideal for testing your Arduino or other hobbyist microcontroller's communications. A logic analyzer is a must have tool for any serious electronics hobbyist. With a logic analyzer it is possible to see a visual representation of the zeros and ones that are flashing by between two components. A logic analyzer is different from an oscilloscope because the analyzer allows you to capture the data on a PC for a more detailed analysis of the data which is being transmitted and received. This logic analyzer supports 10 different communications standards (see Specifications below). with 8 channels it will allow you to monitor upto 8 differnet wires. So on an Arduino you could monitor the Serial port (tx/Rx pins), the I2C port (pins A4, A5), and the SPI port (pins 10, 11, 12, and 13) all at the same time. 


  • 8 Channels

  • Supports triggering (rising, high, falling, low)

  • Up to 24Mhz sampling

  • Up to 10 Billion samples

  • Max Voltage: 5.25Vdc

  • supports:
    • CAN

    • DMX-512

    • I2C

    • I2S/PCM

    • Manchester

    • 1-Wire

    • Async Serial

    • Simple Parallel

    • SPI

    • UNI/O

    • Fully compatible with the Saleae Logic software


  • Logic Analyzer x1

  • Mini USB Cable x1

  • Jumper wire x10




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