Saturday, December 1, 2018

Gravity: Analog Spear Tip pH Sensor / Meter Kit


This spear tip pH sensor/meter kit can directly stab into semisolid material to measure the pH value. It can be used to measure pH value of wet soil and various foods.

The pH value of the soil is an important factor affecting the growth of plants. Suitable pH value for different plants differ from each other. The pH value of foods, such as fruit, meat and vegetable are also an important indicator of their quality. For example, by measuring the pH value of meat, we can determine whether the meat we bought is fresh or not.

The pH probe of this kit is attached with a spear like protection shield made of stainless steel with a sharp tip. It can be directly stabbed into the soft semisolid material to measure the pH value, such as wet soil or foods. But this can not be done with common pH probe, or it will be damaged.

This kit is Arduino compatible and easy to use. It helps you to quickly build a pH meter to measure the pH value of soil or foods directly.

Arduino pH sensor connection

*It is forbidden to measure hard solid samples and semisolid samples containing sharp particles.
*Please keep the plug of the probe, signal transmitter board (especially the BNC connector) clean and dry.
*This pH probe is a laboratory electrode, which is not suitable for prolonged online testing. Therefore, do not immerse the electrode in the measured object for a long time.
*After using the pH probe, please clean it carefully.
*The components of this probe which touch the measured objects have a black ABS shell, a glass component and a silicone rubber material. Before testing the object, it is necessary to confirm that the measured objects are not harmful to these materials.
*Not suitable for measurement: oily samples, samples with higher viscosity, samples with more fine particles.
*Not suitable for non-aqueous titration.
*The head of the stainless steel spear tip is sharp. Please pay attention to safety when using it.


Spear Tip pH Probe

  • Measuring Range: 0~10pH

  • Accuracy: ± 0.1pH

  • Operating Temperature: 5~60 ℃

  • Response Time : ≤2min(in standard buffer solution)

  • Salt Bridge Material: Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (PTFE)

  • Shell Material: Polyoxymethylene (POM)

  • Filling Solution: Can NOT be Filled

  • Wiring Connector: BNC

  • Wire Length: 850mm (BNC connector included)
  • Signal Transmitter Board
  • Input Power : + 5.00V

  • Ouput Signal: 0 ~ 4.0V

  • Accuracy : < ±0.2pH (25 ℃)

  • Probe Connector: BNC

  • Module Connector: Gravity:PH2.0-3Pin

  • Dimension: 43mm×32mm(1.69inch*1.26inch)


    This product uses the pH probe with spear tip shell, which can directly stab into semisolid material to measure the pH value.


  • Spear Tip pH Probe x1

  • Stainless Steel Spear Tip Shell x1

  • Signal Transmitter Board x1

  • Gravity Analog Cable 3Pin x1


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