Saturday, December 1, 2018

FireBeetle Covers - DC Motor & Stepper Driver


KDRobotKit FireBeetle series are low power consumption microcontrollers designed for Internet of Things (IoT) development. FireBeetle Covers-DC Motor & Stepper Driver is a DC motor & Stepper Motor driver designed for FireBeetle Microcontrollers. It can control up to four-channels DC motors / two-phase four-wire stepper motors simultaneously.

The motor driver cover integrates a STM8 as its coprocessor, controlling the motor speed and direction. It communicates with Microcontroller via IIC port, supports up 1000Hz refresh rate. The assisted processor STM8 controls motors and set the main control free. It effectively reduces the dependence on MCU pin resources and MCU occupancy. Independant motor control make the multi-motors projects more affordable. Cooperate with KDRobotKit Arduino Motor Library, it will reduce your development difficulty.

This stepper motor driver adopts 2x TB6612FNG chips and performs excellent in low power consumption application. The consumption current is only 30mA under static state, and motor driver can provide 1.2A output current at 5V and the peak current is 3.2A@5V. Besides, the motor drive supports 4~12V wide-range power input. FireBeetle Covers-DC Motor & Stepper Driver also provides four independent interfaces to drive servo. So, you can control servo directly. It can be widely applied to intelligent car control and gear control.


  • Microprocessor: STM8S105

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3~5V (Connect to FireBeetle VCC Terminal)

  • Operating Voltage: 30mA

  • Motor Drive Chip: TB6612FNG

  • Motor [null Drive] Voltage: 4-12V

  • Output current: 1.2A single-channel continuous drive current

  • Start / Peak Current: 2A (continuous pulse) / 3.2A (single pulse)

  • Communication Port: IIC

  • IIC Address: 0x18

  • Dimension: 2.28 * 1.14 inches (58mm x 29mm)


  • Support 4 channels DC motors drive

  • Support 2 channels two-phase four-wire stepper motors drive

  • Support 4 channels servo drive

  • Up to 1000Hz refresh rate

  • Equipped with a STATUS indicator (LED)


  • FireBeetle Covers - DC Motor & Stepper Driver x1

  • 18pin-2.54mm Pin Header (Female) ×2

  • 18pin-2.54mm Pin Header (Male) ×2


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