- Eight opto-isolated, zero-crossing control channels
- No library needed - control is as easy as turning a LED on and off
- Shield is compatible with 5V or 3.3V Arduinos
- Integrated 1.5A linear regulator (LM317) to supply regulated DC power to external inverter
- Linear regulator preset to 3.3V, but can be changed via PTH resistors, or bypassed entirely
- External inverter required, not included
- Comes without headers, soldering required
- EL Escudo Dos x1
- Schematic
- Eagle files
- Example code
- Datasheet (MOC3063S)
- Datasheet (Z0103MN)
- Datasheet (LM317)
- Tutorial: setting up an EL system
- Jacob's Ladder Project
- Product Video
Kenya, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Malaysia, Sweden, Zambia, Virgin Islands (US), Romania, Brunei Darussalam, Samoa, Luxembourg, Lebanon, Netherlands, Sao Tome and Principe, Mayotte, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Suriname, Burundi, Japan, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Somalia, Mexico, Senegal, Guyana, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Fiji, Lithuania, Portugal, Madagascar, Guadeloupe, Liberia, Pacific Islands, Jordan, Martinique, Burkina Faso, Montenegro, Papua New Guinea, Slovak Republic (Slovakia), China, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Australia, Bangladesh, Andorra, Mali, Reunion, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC), Georgia, Saint Lucia, Botswana, Angola, Bulgaria, Antigua & Barbuda, Montserrat, Turkey, New Zealand, Mauritania, Comoros, Belarus, Slovenia, Afghanistan, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos Islands, Sudan, Chile, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Greece, Haiti, Israel and the Occupied Territories, United States of America (USA), Bolivia, Guinea-Bissau, Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Finland, Belgium, Barbados, Congo, Uzbekistan, Norway, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, Seychelles, Macedonia, Republic of, Liechtenstein, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Cuba, Singapore, Chad, Korea, Republic of (South Korea), Niger, Monaco, Bhutan, Bermuda, Denmark, Belize, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Albania, Latvia, Kosovo, Brazil, Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea), Libya, Maldives, Mongolia, Equatorial Guinea, Croatia, Iceland, Togo, Ghana, Paraguay, Hungary, Estonia, Mozambique, Cayman Islands, Honduras, Sierra Leone, Peru, Ecuador, South Africa, Thailand, Qatar, Dominica, Lesotho, Guatemala, Cape Verde, Morocco, Uganda, Austria, Kuwait, Moldova, Republic of, Poland, Iraq, Grenada, Algeria, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Malta, China - Hong Kong / Macau, Timor Leste, Gambia, Syria, Rwanda, Cambodia, Myanmar/Burma, Laos, Pakistan, Philippines, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, India, Uruguay, Tanzania, Anguilla, French Guiana, Bahamas, Benin, Great Britain, Iran, Germany, Gabon, Spain, Nigeria, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Italy, Guinea, Bahrain, Panama, Solomon Islands, Cyprus, Nepal, Tunisia, Canada, Virgin Islands (UK), Yemen, Nicaragua, Djibouti, Vietnam, Russian Federation, South Sudan, France, Oman, Czech Republic, Namibia, Colombia, Swaziland, Jamaica, Malawi, Serbia
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