Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Stepper Motor With Timing Pulley


 This  Stepper Motor is Discontinued Now, We recommend other best selling Stepper Motors as a suitable replacement.

A stepper motor with timing pulley, type name "17PM-K446-04VS". This motor has 1.8" stepping angle. And its rated voltage is only 4.6V, which could be used in the low-voltage environment. The static torque could arrive It has been enough for the most popular application. Wtih a timing pulley, you could connect a belt on the roller. Especially when you are going to play with a 3D printer. That will be a good choice. 

This stepper motor is compatible with both the Overlord and Overlord Pro.


  • Model No: 17PM-K446-04VS

  • Rated Voltage: 4.6V

  • Dimension: 42*42*48 mm (1.65*1.65*1.89")

  • Step Angle (degrees) :1.8

  • Rated Current : 1.1A@4.6V 

  • Winding resistance: 4.2 Ω

  • Winding inductance: 5.2 mH

  • Holding Torque : 3.92kg*cm

  • Insulation Class: B

  • Dimension: 42x42x40mm (1.65x1.65x1.57")

  • Mounting: 4 x M3

  • Mass:350g 

  • Step Angle Accuracy : ±5% (full step, no load) 

  • Resistance Accuracy:  ±10% 

  • Inductance Accuracy:  ±20% 

  • emperature Rise:  80°C Max.(rated current,2 phase on) 

  • Ambient Temperature:  -20°C~+50°C


  • Stepper Motor With Timing Pulley for Overlord x1


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