Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Shipping Fee For Two/Three/Four/Six Vortex on Kickstarter


Dear backers! 

This is the shipping fee for those who pledged One Vortex on Kickstarter~

Here are the steps for you:

1. Register if you have no KDRobotKit account yet. Please notice the telephone number in your personal details should be contactable by courier;

2. Select this "Virtual" Product;

3. Check out;

4. In check out billing details, please fill your final shipping address

5. In check out payment method, please choose your payment method and leave your Kickstarter information in the comments box;

* Paypal is preferred, bank transfer would otherwise take 2~7days for us to receive your payment.Please note we do not cover the transaction auxiliary expenses.
* If you choose bank transfer, please send us an email about your bank transfer bill, show your transaction detials and Kickstarter username. This can help us link your payment with the order. Otherwise we may not find your payment.Please note we do not cover the transaction auxiliary expenses.
* Please write down in Comments about your Kickstarter information: 
Kickstarter user name/Kickstarter email address [MUST, so that we can recognize you]
Any additional thing you want us to know :)

6. Confirm your order, pay the bill and done!

If any other question, you can contact us by email:

Thanks a lot! 


Macedonia, Republic of, United Arab Emirates, Burundi, Andorra, Myanmar/Burma, Gambia, Lebanon, Monaco, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Haiti, Sao Tome and Principe, Belarus, Malta, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Moldova, Republic of, Maldives, Liechtenstein, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Kosovo, Madagascar, Turkey, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Tunisia, Indonesia, Gabon, Great Britain, Chile, Albania, Pakistan, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Italy, Thailand, Georgia, Belgium, El Salvador, Yemen, Oman, Colombia, Canada, Bangladesh, Iceland, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Jordan, Korea, Republic of (South Korea), Cuba, French Guiana, Nigeria, Uganda, Martinique, Zimbabwe, Ukraine, Uruguay, Bahrain, Niger, Reunion, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Mauritania, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Sweden, Turks & Caicos Islands, Austria, Benin, Egypt, Malawi, Angola, Latvia, Mozambique, Kuwait, Djibouti, Comoros, Paraguay, Solomon Islands, Botswana, Ghana, Finland, Pacific Islands, Congo, Iran, Bahamas, Switzerland, Morocco, Montserrat, Turkmenistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Timor Leste, Eritrea, Mali, Tajikistan, Algeria, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho, Seychelles, Grenada, Qatar, Central African Republic, Hungary, New Zealand, Peru, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Slovenia, Fiji, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Spain, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Jamaica, Iraq, United States of America (USA), Samoa, Barbados, Denmark, Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC), Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea), Sudan, Honduras, Mexico, Cameroon, Trinidad & Tobago, Swaziland, Mauritius, Somalia, Belize, Guatemala, Mayotte, Virgin Islands (US), Panama, India, Australia, Lithuania, Syria, Liberia, Bolivia, Guinea, France, Guyana, Nepal, Anguilla, Poland, Zambia, Brunei Darussalam, Senegal, South Africa, Saint Lucia, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Japan, Suriname, Afghanistan, Dominica, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Togo, Estonia, Brazil, Cape Verde, South Sudan, Greece, Portugal, Kenya, Namibia, Argentina, Mongolia, Burkina Faso, Chad, Germany, Virgin Islands (UK), Antigua & Barbuda, Uzbekistan, Ecuador, Libya, China, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Bhutan, Malaysia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Puerto Rico, Cyprus, Guinea-Bissau, Guadeloupe, Croatia, Norway, Tanzania, Romania, Montenegro, Ethiopia, China - Hong Kong / Macau, Armenia, Saint Kitts and Nevis

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