Monday, December 10, 2018

Self Locking Lamp Press Button - Green


Comes in your choice of red, green, blue, yellow or white. This button locks and lights up when pushed. It’s perfect for DIY projects which require a button and it’s easy to mount in any kind of enclosure. It has a coloured plastic cover with a black base. The included LED has a built in resistor which allows it to support a voltage range from 5V~12V. With a mechanical lifetime of 5 million pushes, it is safe and reliable.


  • Operating Environment: <= 12V@5A

  • Mechanical life: >5 million pushes

  • Electrical life: >1 million pushes

  • Colors:Green

  • Interface: C/NC/NO/Led+/Led-

  • Weight: 8.5g


  • Colorful Self Locking Push Button x 1


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