This product has been discontinued since Mar.18, 2016.
Red Pitaya is an open-source-software measurement and control tool that consists of easy-to-use visual programming software and free of charge, ready-to-use open-source, web-based test and measurement instruments running on a powerful, credit card-sized board. With a single click, the board can transform into a web-based oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, signal generator, SDR radio, LCR meter, Bode analyzer, or one of many other applications. Red Pitaya can be controlled by using Matlab, LabView, Python & Scilab.
Note: This product is shipped by RedPitaya (Slovenia) directly.
- Processor: Dual core ARM Cortex A9+ FPGA
- FPGA Xilinx Zynq 7010 SoC
- RAM DDR3 RAM 512MB (4Gb)
- System memory microSD up to 32Gb
- Network connection 1000Base-T Ethernet connection
- USB USB 2.0
- Console connection micro USB
- Synchronization port Daisy chain connector (up to 500 Mbps)
- Power connector micro USB
- Power consumption 5V, 2A max
- Red Pitaya board x1
- Micro USB Power Supply Adaptor (3 connector) x1
- 4GB Micro SD Card x1
- 60MHz Oscilloscope Probes x2
- Adaptors SMA(M) to BNC(F) x2
Burundi, Iceland, Montserrat, Jordan, Cameroon, Guinea-Bissau, Jamaica, Algeria, Lesotho, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Italy, Denmark, India, Turkey, Chile, Vietnam, Martinique, Sudan, Hungary, Antigua & Barbuda, United Arab Emirates, Sierra Leone, Philippines, Tanzania, Mali, Thailand, Dominican Republic, China - Hong Kong / Macau, Senegal, Mexico, Qatar, Switzerland, Eritrea, Slovenia, Central African Republic, Germany, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Norway, Albania, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Cape Verde, Madagascar, Ghana, Tunisia, Haiti, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Solomon Islands, Estonia, Egypt, Tajikistan, Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC), Libya, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Poland, Colombia, Georgia, Andorra, El Salvador, Timor Leste, Nicaragua, Botswana, Sri Lanka, Cyprus, Portugal, Turks & Caicos Islands, Venezuela, Gambia, Benin, Macedonia, Republic of, Trinidad & Tobago, Maldives, Bhutan, Gabon, Indonesia, Guinea, Bangladesh, France, Guadeloupe, Ecuador, Australia, Zimbabwe, Iran, Liechtenstein, Namibia, Bulgaria, Peru, Mauritania, Luxembourg, Bahamas, Cuba, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Panama, Saint Lucia, Belize, Cambodia, Anguilla, Korea, Republic of (South Korea), Brunei Darussalam, Spain, Malta, Pacific Islands, Finland, Grenada, Romania, Fiji, Liberia, Morocco, Rwanda, Nepal, Guyana, Equatorial Guinea, Zambia, Kenya, Monaco, Belgium, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Congo, Croatia, Uganda, Latvia, Syria, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Bolivia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea), Sao Tome and Principe, Nigeria, Samoa, Malawi, Suriname, Iraq, Myanmar/Burma, Belarus, Comoros, Honduras, Somalia, Great Britain, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, China, Armenia, Netherlands, Greece, Montenegro, Ukraine, Mozambique, Bahrain, Mauritius, Lithuania, Yemen, Bermuda, Laos, Angola, Czech Republic, Seychelles, Sweden, Costa Rica, Barbados, Djibouti, Swaziland, Niger, Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Austria, Virgin Islands (UK), Dominica, Virgin Islands (US), South Sudan, Brazil, Chad, Serbia, Togo, Kuwait, Singapore, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Burkina Faso, Mongolia, Lebanon, French Guiana, Kazakhstan, Guatemala, Kosovo, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Oman, Afghanistan, Argentina, South Africa, United States of America (USA), Cayman Islands, Mayotte, New Zealand, Ethiopia, Reunion, Moldova, Republic of
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