Wednesday, December 5, 2018

KDRobotKit DF9GMS 360 Degree Micro Servo (1.6Kg)


The KDRobotKit DF9GMS is a 360 degree micro servo. It uses a plastic gear drive and is light and compact. It can be used for various applications and DIY products, such as toy cars, boats, windmills etc.

A 360 degree servo’s operation is more similar to a DC motor than a standard servo as only rotation direction and speed can be controlled. There is also no hardware stop inside so that the shaft can rotate freely. Compared to an ordinary DC motor, a 360-degree servo motor does not require additional motor drivers and is plug and play, compact and convenient. Arduino control methods are also the same. When the servo is operating on the 4.8 ~ 6V power supply, the torque can reach 1.2 ~ 1.6Kg x cm

KDRobotKit DF9GMS 360 Degree Micro Servo (1.6Kg) Dimensions


  • Operating Voltage: 3.5 - 6.0V

  • Supply Voltage: 4.8V ~ 6.0V

  • Dead Zone Width: 5usec

  • Working Speed: 0.12sec/60 (4.8V no load)

  • Stall Torque: 1.2kg/cm (4.8V), 1.6kg/cm (6.0V)

  • Neutral Location: 1500us

  • Interface Description:

  • Brown: GND

  • Red: VCC

  • Orange: S

  • Cable Length: 250mm

  • Operating Temperature: -30°C to + 60°C

  • Dimensions: 22.6 x 12.2 x 30 mm /0.89x0.48x1.18”

  • Weight: 9±1g

  • KDRobotKit DF9GMS 360 Degree Micro Servo (1.6Kg) x1

  • Accessories x1

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