Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Gravity: Steam Sensor


This is a steam(water)sensor from KDRobotKit. This steam sensor can be connected to the Arduino IO Expansion shield directly. The output voltage will increase when the humidity of the sensor surface goes up.
Notice:The new version of analog sensor port pin mapping has been changed as the following two features.


Warning: The connector is not waterproof, please be careful not to put the connector directly in water. 


  • Simple rain detector

  • Cheap steam level switch

  • Touch sensor based on humidity


  • Power supply: 3.3v or 5v

  • Output voltage signal: 0~4.5v(@5v) or 0~3.0v(@3.3v)

  • Pin definition:

  • Analog output(Blue wire)

  • GND(Black wire)

  • Power(Red wire)

  • Size: 30x20x6mm (0.18x0.79x0.24")


  • Wiki Doc                     


  • Steam sensor   x1

  • Analog Sensor Cable   x1


  • Power supply: 3.3v or 5v

  • Output voltage signal: 0~4.5v(@5v) or 0~3.0v(@3.3v)

  • Pin definition:

  • Analog output(Blue wire)

  • GND(Black wire)

  • Power(Red wire)

  • Size: 30x20x6mm (0.18x0.79x0.24")


  • Steam sensor   x1

  • Analog Sensor Cable   x1


  • Wiki Doc                     


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