Sunday, December 9, 2018

GPIO Triple Expansion Hat for Raspberry Pi


The Raspberry Pi GPIO Triple Expansion Board converts the single GPIO headers on your Raspberry Pi into three parts, enabling more breakout boards, add-on boards or just about anything that's designed to connect on to a Raspberry Pi model B+, Raspberry Pi 2 model B and newest Raspberry Pi 3 model B GPIO!


  • Compatible: Raspberry Pi model B+ , Raspberry Pi 2 model B, Raspberry Pi 3 model B

  • Plug & Play - Requires no drivers or set up

  • Gives you three sets of GPIO headers to plug in break out boards, add on boards etc.


  • GPIO Triple Expand Board x1

  • Screws package x1


Bolivia, Jamaica, China, Malawi, Barbados, Nigeria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Iran, Libya, Dominican Republic, Belgium, Thailand, Paraguay, South Sudan, Ecuador, Kuwait, Gambia, Haiti, Guyana, Greece, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Burkina Faso, Great Britain, Algeria, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Germany, Qatar, Maldives, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC), Syria, Guinea-Bissau, Bhutan, Cuba, Macedonia, Republic of, Reunion, Laos, Ukraine, Gabon, Colombia, United States of America (USA), Ghana, Tunisia, Luxembourg, Austria, Denmark, Mozambique, Malta, Saint Lucia, French Guiana, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Belize, Uganda, Australia, Afghanistan, Liechtenstein, Oman, Turks & Caicos Islands, Rwanda, Chile, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Brazil, Estonia, China - Hong Kong / Macau, Trinidad & Tobago, Montenegro, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Belarus, Venezuela, Madagascar, Portugal, Sweden, Philippines, Cape Verde, Monaco, Nepal, Myanmar/Burma, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Honduras, Armenia, Romania, Netherlands, Equatorial Guinea, Benin, Mayotte, Andorra, El Salvador, Korea, Republic of (South Korea), Slovenia, Seychelles, Cambodia, Jordan, Anguilla, Virgin Islands (US), Puerto Rico, Italy, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, France, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Canada, Egypt, Bahrain, Guatemala, Antigua & Barbuda, Sao Tome and Principe, Malaysia, Croatia, Niger, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, Nicaragua, Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea), Finland, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Swaziland, Angola, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Russian Federation, Bahamas, Chad, Peru, Bermuda, Sierra Leone, Virgin Islands (UK), Indonesia, Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Pacific Islands, Poland, Timor Leste, Central African Republic, Cayman Islands, Senegal, Serbia, Moldova, Republic of, Mexico, Namibia, Somalia, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Cameroon, Papua New Guinea, Uruguay, Sudan, Kazakhstan, Grenada, Mongolia, Panama, Norway, Latvia, Kosovo, Botswana, India, Pakistan, Lesotho, Brunei Darussalam, Guinea, Togo, Zimbabwe, Yemen, Solomon Islands, Zambia, Georgia, Mauritius, Martinique, Morocco, Hungary, Spain, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Iceland, Mauritania, South Africa, Burundi, Mali, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Liberia, Dominica, Eritrea, Kenya, Suriname, Congo, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Singapore, Fiji, Samoa, Turkey, Japan, Comoros, Tanzania, Cyprus

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