Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Fling Mini Joystick for Smartohones


You'll never go back to the good days of 8bit games. Miss your console? Fling gives you the feel of an analog joystick, so your iPhone, iPod Touch, or Android games feel even more immersive. When the screen illuminates, Fling melts away and becomes invisible, so you'll never miss any action on the screen. iPad gaming is all about precision maneuvering, and Fling gives you this crucial advantage. As you control a game with Fling, it pushes gently back towards the center position. This haptic feedback guides and stabilizes your gameplay, making every action more accurate. Ten One Design, LLC is a design firm based in Montclair, NJ specializing in solutions for the mobile lifestyle.

Compatible with Goble Bluetooth Controller App.

Fling mini is a joystick for iPhone, iPod touch, or Android device. It gives you controls you can touch for any game that has an on-screen joystick. Fling's patent pending design provides auto-centering and force feedback. 



  • Fling mini joystick                 x2

  • Travel bag                          x1



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