Tuesday, December 4, 2018

FireBeetle Covers-Proto Board


KDRobotKit FireBeetle series is the low-power consumption micro-controller intentionally designed for Internet of Things (IoT). The series micro-controllers aims at IoT node of low-power consumption, attending to build the IoT hardware platform quickly and conveniently. There are three types of FireBeetle, containing Boards (main control), Covers (expansion boards) and related Accessories.
Proto Board is compatible with products of FireBeetle series. There are 14×7 general 2.54mm solder holes in the board of standard spacing. The prototyping boards connect to one master board with VCC, 3.3V and GND soldering pads. These features of Proto Board contribute to it an ideal vehicle for soldering any electronic component. Moreover, the ports compatible with other projects of FireBeetle makes it the best choice for overlay circuit prototypes.

FireBeetle Connection 

Project 1. How to Make a Smart Colorful Light

Today we will teach you How to Make a Smart Colorful Light
 Based On FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller.

Hardware in need:

  • RGB LED Breakout (5050)   

  • NPN Triode×1

  • FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth) ×1

  • FireBeetle Covers-Proto Board×1

  • Rotary Encoder EC11J×1

  • BME280×1

Project 2. How To Make a Step-Counter By Use Of The FireBeetle Board-ESP32

The instrument not just can record steps (and calories) at real time, but show time. What is special is that the format of showing is pointer.

Hardware in need:

  • FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth)

  • FireBeetle Covers-Proto Board

  • Gravity I2C OLED-2864 Display 

  • 10 DOF Mems IMU Sensor

Project 3. Application Tutorials of FireBeetle Board - ESP32 BLE: Smarten a Plugboard

What you have seen is a smart plugboard that converted by ESP32 master board and controlled by BLE of ESP32.

Hardware in need:

  • USB Power Supply Wall Adapter 5V@2.5A (EU Standard)

  • FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth)

  • FireBeetle Covers-Gravity I/O Expansion Shield

  • FireBeetle Covers-Proto Board

  • Gravity: Digital 5A Relay Module

  • Beetle BLE

  • Button

  • 8 Crust printed by 3D printer


  • 14×7 general 2.54mm soldering pad

  • Dimension: 29.00×58.00mm/ 1.41×2.28 inches

  • Weight: 18 g


  • Compatible with products in the KDRobotKit FireBeetle Series, plug and play

  • Cost-Effective

  • Small size, convenient to install


    FireBeetle Covers-Proto Board x1
    18 pin-2.54mm pin x4
    18 pin-2.54mm long pin header x4


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