Sunday, December 9, 2018

ECell: Breadboard-Plugin Resistor


Introducing "The Breadboard-Plugin Kit" - the first kit in the ECell series. The Breadboard-Plugin Kit provides a range of common components such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors etc. that are compatible with a solderless breadboard. This resistor package module has gold-plated pins making it solid and durable and also gives it excellent conductivity. It plugs neatly and easily in the breadboard and is both reliable and reusable.

Using this innovative approach solves common problems that occur when using DIP components, such as:

*Difficulty reading confusing resistor color codes
*Deforming component pins and breadboard tie-points after use
*Using components with a different pin-pitch than your breadboard
*Confusing the order of a transistor's collector, emitter and base pins
*Using a confusing mess of jumper wires to connect small components

The Breadboard-Plugin Kit is designed by Maker LeoYan, and is produced and sold by KDRobotKit 

This is a Resistor package only,click ECell: Breadboard-Plugin Components Pack  to get the whole component kit.


  • Resistor: 220R,1K,4.7K,10K


  • Easy to recognize: resistance values, capacitance values, polarity and pin functions are clearly marked on each component

  • Easy to learn: standard circuit symbols are clearly marked on each component helping you learn how to read schematic diagrams

  • Easy to use: Pins plug directly in to the breadboard, saving a confusing mess of jumper wires

  • Easy to Plug/unplug: The 0.64mm diametral pin perfectly matches standard breadboard tie-points

  • High-reliability: Each component is manufactured using ENIG technology making the circuit connection reliable and durable

  • Environmentally-friendly: Each part is durable and reusable making it friendly to the environment


  • Resistor 220R x4

  • Resistor 1K x4

  • Resistor 4.7K x4

  • Resistor 10K x4



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