Wednesday, December 12, 2018

DB9 Serial RS232 OBD2 Cable


OBD II is an On-Board Diagnostics standard that is used on a large variety of cars. It provides access to numerous data from the engine control unit (ECU) and offers a valuable source of information when troubleshooting problems inside a vehicle. This is an OBD-II to DB9 cable, which allows you to access your car’s OBDII connector.
It provides a OBD II and DB9 female connectors. It is indispensable tool if you want to hack your car.

Pin Defination Table:

P1 DB9 Female   P2 OBD II male
  1         ——      5
  2         ——      4
  3         ——      6
  4         ——      7
  5         ——      14
  6         ——      10
  7         ——      2
  8         ——      15
  9         ——      16


  • Length: 110 cm (43.31")

  • Weight: 170 g



  • DB9 Serial RS232 OBD II cable x1


Sierra Leone, Guatemala, Barbados, Ghana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Central African Republic, Andorra, Haiti, Saudi Arabia, Samoa, Korea, Republic of (South Korea), Djibouti, Switzerland, India, Colombia, Trinidad & Tobago, Pacific Islands, Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea), Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan, Argentina, Zambia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Namibia, Jamaica, Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Great Britain, Belize, Honduras, Gambia, Moldova, Republic of, New Zealand, Algeria, Kosovo, Ethiopia, Tajikistan, Seychelles, Costa Rica, Bahrain, Anguilla, Maldives, Mozambique, Ukraine, Grenada, Comoros, Mali, Nepal, Australia, Libya, Poland, South Sudan, Cambodia, Turkey, Macedonia, Republic of, Liberia, Brunei Darussalam, Mayotte, Angola, Jordan, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Croatia, French Guiana, Slovenia, Venezuela, Fiji, Hungary, Botswana, Armenia, Netherlands, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Guinea-Bissau, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Equatorial Guinea, Niger, Serbia, Somalia, Mauritius, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Yemen, Virgin Islands (US), Uzbekistan, Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Tunisia, Bhutan, Sao Tome and Principe, Turks & Caicos Islands, Montserrat, Lithuania, Eritrea, Luxembourg, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Guyana, Indonesia, Cape Verde, Lesotho, Swaziland, Antigua & Barbuda, South Africa, Pakistan, Czech Republic, Brazil, Togo, Bolivia, Austria, Malta, Cameroon, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Kenya, Sudan, Norway, Dominica, Canada, Madagascar, Russian Federation, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Reunion, Syria, Latvia, Egypt, Philippines, France, Burundi, Oman, Iraq, Italy, Gabon, Guinea, Saint Lucia, Congo, Belgium, Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC), Paraguay, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Morocco, Rwanda, Uruguay, Chile, Lebanon, Virgin Islands (UK), Finland, Singapore, Bahamas, Thailand, Montenegro, China - Hong Kong / Macau, Germany, Panama, Timor Leste, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Denmark, Monaco, Romania, Estonia, Qatar, Sweden, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Mexico, Portugal, Iran, Nigeria, Dominican Republic, Suriname, Benin, El Salvador, Iceland, Greece, Solomon Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Albania, Spain, Japan, United States of America (USA), Puerto Rico, Myanmar/Burma, Peru, Bulgaria, Georgia, Mauritania, United Arab Emirates, Senegal, Ecuador, Burkina Faso, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Chad, Laos

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