Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Circuit Scribe Maker Kit


The Maker Kit contains a pen, eleven modules, a 9V Battery and other accessories to improve your circuit drawing experience. This kit allows you to explore all the concepts that the basic kit presents, while improving your understanding of different ways to input, process and output signals in your circuits. Additional topics to explore include light, timed circuits, piezoelectric materials, and more.  

With Circuit Scribe you can draw exactly what you want, no wires or breadboard required any more. What you need only is just a circuit scribe pen and a piece of paper. Or maybe you need a coin battery, or a small LED, that will be more cool!


  • Ink Resistance: 2-10 Ohms/cm

  • Line Width: 0.4mm (0.02")

  • Dimension: 23.9 * 17 * 6 cm (9.41 * 6.69 * 2.36")

  • Weight: 518g


  • 9V Battery adapter with 9V battery x1

  • Bi-LED module x2

  • SPST Switch module x1

  • NPN Transistor module x1

  • 2-Pin Adapter with resistors/capacitors/photoresistor x1

  • Potentiometer x1

  • Blinker x1

  • Buzzer x1

  • RGB LED x1

  • Light Sensor x1

  • Workbook x1



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