Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Bluno M3 - A STM32 ARM with Bluetooth 4.0 (Arduino Compatible)


The Bluno M3 is a new Arduino compatible prototyping platform based on a 32-bit ARM processor. This arduino microcontroller integrates a Bluetooth 4.0 chip and a STM32 ARM controller on the board. As a member of Bluno family, Bluno M3 inherits most common Bluno features, such as bluetooth connectivity, Bluetooth wireless programming and mobile phone controlling. In addition, thanks to its new 32-bit microcontroller, Bluno M3 has a much more powerful performance, more storage space and more interface resources.

The ARM processor is famous for its efficient processing performance, but one of the downsides to this is that its developing environment is also quite complicated. So KDRobotKit has been trying very hard to solve this: the underlying protocol and development environment have been rewritten to accommodate for Arduino language usage, giving it full Arduino compatibility. Bluno M3 has 512K flash memory and 64K SRAM, and the integrated Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) supports Bluetooth wireless control or Bluetooth wireless programming.
Note: The special IDE for M3 only supports Windows currently.

Size Comparison. Left: Arduino Uno Right: Bluno M3

I/O Expansion Shield for Bluno M3 

Project 1: Make Your Own Arduino Weather Station
This durable arduino weather station kit includes an anemometer, wind vane, rain bucket and DH11 temperature and humidity sensor. It can transmit data via serial or RF interfaces.  

Hardware List: 
LCD12864 Shield for Arduino
Weather Station Kit with Solar Panel
Weather Station Kit with Anemometer/Wind Vane/Rain Bucket
Bluno M3 - A STM32 ARM with Bluetooth 4.0 (Arduino Compatible)


  • Microcontroller: STM32 F103RET6

  • Clock Speed: 72MHz

  • Bluetooth chip: TI CC2540 (Bluetooth 4.0)

  • Communication Range: 30m(1181")

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V

  • DC Supply: USB Powered or External 7V~12V DC

  • Digital I/O Pins: 39

  • Analog Input Pins: 11 (Multiplex)

  • External Interrupt: 39 (D0~D38)

  • I2C/IWC: 30 (Default SDA), 29 (Default SCL)

  • SRAM: 64K

  • Flash: 512K (Customizable Flash assignment, refer to Flash chapter for more info)
    • Default User Code repository: 492K

    • Default User Data repository: 20K

    • SPI 12(MISO), 11(MOSI), 13(SCK)

    • SPI1 33(MISO), 34(MOSI), 32(SCK)

  • Serial Port: 5 (Serial1/Serial2/Serial3/Serial4/Serial5)
    • Serial1 0(Rx1) & 1(Tx1)

    • Serial2 22(Rx2) & 21(Tx2)

    • Serial3 30(Rx3) & 29(Tx3)

    • Serial4 8(Rx4) & 9(Tx4)

    • Serial5 25(Rx5) & 23(Tx5)

  • Dimensions: 68mm x 31mm(2.68"x1.22")


  • Supports Bluetooth Wireless Programming

  • Supports Bluetooth HID

  • Supports AT commands to configure BLE

  • Supports firmware upgrades

  • Supports mobile control

  • Supports firmware updates

  • Compatible with Arduino Uno pin mappings

  • Supports Android and IOS applications, open source code, suitable for secondary development by the user


  • Bluno M3 Microcontroller x1



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