Beetle is a extremely the smallest Arduino leonardo board. It derives its core notion from minimalism without compromising functionality.
It comes with Atmel AtMega32u4 (datasheet) @16MHz clock time and has expanded amounts of interfaces: 10 digital pins, 5 analog pins and 4 pwn pins. To further make it user-friendly, it is compatible with Micro USB so that direct programming and testing is no longer a headache. Select "Arduino Leonardo (tools >board > Arduino Leonardo in Arduino IDE), the ATmega32U4 comes preburned with a bootloader that allows you to upload any new code that is applicable to Arduino Leonardo.
As the smallest Arduino Leonardo, it enjoys similar powerful functionalities. Beetle aims to solve problems of low-cost controller, ease-of-using properly, and to provide a low cost solution for disposable projects, such as DIY projects, workshops, gift projects, E-Textiles and educational. For students and makers who can not afford too much on hardware purchasing, Beetle can be a great solution for them.
- 20mm X 22mm compact size
- Direct downloading and testing via Micro USB
- V-shaped large-size gold-plated IO ports make it convenient for the user to twist wires upon, and can also be directly sewn on clothes with conductive thread.
- Two honeycomb shape gold-plated power interface
- Magic light blue soft BLINK indicator
- Microcontroller:ATmega32u4
- Clock Speed:16 MHz
- Operating Voltage:5V DC
- Digital I/O Pins:10
- PWM Channels:4
- Analog Input Channels:5
- UART:1
- I2C:1
- Micro USB:1
- Power Ports:2
- Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 4KB used by bootloader
- SRAM: 2.5 KB
- Wiki (Beetle - The Smallest Arduino)
- Schematic
- Review by One Mans Anthology
- Adafruit's Trinket vs KDRobotKit's Beetle - Review and Comparision (Video)
- Beetle: Minimize Your Arduino Projects (Instructables)
- Beetle x1
6. A Wristband Pedometer Based on BMI160 Motion Sensor
Recently I bought a 6-Axis Inertial Motion Sensor from KDRobotKit. So it occurs to me that why not make a wristband pedometer to calculate my physical strength.
The material you may need:
Gravity: I2C BMI160 6-Axis Inertial Motion Sensor ×1
Beetle - The Smallest Arduino ×1
Gravity I2C OLED-2864 Display ×1
3.7V Mini-Lithium Battery ×1
Button ×2
Toggle Switch ×1
Watchband ×1
- Lightsabers by Makefun Workshop
- How to Make an Obstacle Avoiding Robot with MiniQ 2WD
- 3D Printing, Self-Defined Animation Badge
- Gravity: Beetle Shield$2.90
- Gravity: Bluno Beetle Shield$3.90
- FTDI Basic Breakout 3.3/5V (Arduino Compatible)$12.90
- Solar Lipo Charger (3.7V)$4.90
- DC Barrel Jack Adapter - Female$1.90
- Gravity IO Expansion Shield for Arduino V7.1$8.90
- DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor$9.50
- Gravity: Digital Water Flow Sensor For Arduino - 1/8"$8.90
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- Microcontroller:ATmega32u4
- Clock Speed:16 MHz
- Operating Voltage:5V DC
- Digital I/O Pins:10
- PWM Channels:4
- Analog Input Channels:5
- UART:1
- I2C:1
- Micro USB:1
- Power Ports:2
- Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 4KB used by bootloader
- SRAM: 2.5 KB
- 20mm X 22mm compact size
- Direct downloading and testing via Micro USB
- V-shaped large-size gold-plated IO ports make it convenient for the user to twist wires upon, and can also be directly sewn on clothes with conductive thread.
- Two honeycomb shape gold-plated power interface
- Magic light blue soft BLINK indicator
- Microcontroller:ATmega32u4
- Clock Speed:16 MHz
- Operating Voltage:5V DC
- Digital I/O Pins:10
- PWM Channels:4
- Analog Input Channels:5
- UART:1
- I2C:1
- Micro USB:1
- Power Ports:2
- Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 4KB used by bootloader
- SRAM: 2.5 KB
- Wiki (Beetle - The Smallest Arduino)
- Schematic
- Review by One Mans Anthology
- Adafruit's Trinket vs KDRobotKit's Beetle - Review and Comparision (Video)
- Beetle: Minimize Your Arduino Projects (Instructables)
- Beetle x1
6. A Wristband Pedometer Based on BMI160 Motion Sensor
Recently I bought a 6-Axis Inertial Motion Sensor from KDRobotKit. So it occurs to me that why not make a wristband pedometer to calculate my physical strength.
The material you may need:
Gravity: I2C BMI160 6-Axis Inertial Motion Sensor ×1
Beetle - The Smallest Arduino ×1
Gravity I2C OLED-2864 Display ×1
3.7V Mini-Lithium Battery ×1
Button ×2
Toggle Switch ×1
Watchband ×1
- Lightsabers by Makefun Workshop
- How to Make an Obstacle Avoiding Robot with MiniQ 2WD
- 3D Printing, Self-Defined Animation Badge
- Gravity: Beetle Shield$2.90
- Gravity: Bluno Beetle Shield$3.90
- FTDI Basic Breakout 3.3/5V (Arduino Compatible)$12.90
- Solar Lipo Charger (3.7V)$4.90
- DC Barrel Jack Adapter - Female$1.90
- Gravity IO Expansion Shield for Arduino V7.1$8.90
- DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor$9.50
- Gravity: Digital Water Flow Sensor For Arduino - 1/8"$8.90
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var disqus_disable_mobile = true;
var disqus_identifier = 'prod-1075';
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Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
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- Beetle x1
- Wiki (Beetle - The Smallest Arduino)
- Schematic
- Review by One Mans Anthology
- Adafruit's Trinket vs KDRobotKit's Beetle - Review and Comparision (Video)
- Beetle: Minimize Your Arduino Projects (Instructables)
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