Monday, December 10, 2018

Arduino Motor Shield R3


The Arduino Motor Shield is based on L298 (a dual full-bridge driver designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and stepping motors). It helps you drive two DC motors with Arduino board as well as control the speed and direction of the two motor independently. You can also measure the current absorption of two motor respectively. The shield is TinkerKit compatible so that it is convenient and fast to plug TinkerKit modules to board to creat projects.


  • Operating Voltage: 5V to 12V

  • Motor controller: L298P, Drives 2 DC motors or 1 stepper motor

  • Max current: 2A per channel or 4A max (with external power supply)

  • Current sensing: 1.65V/A

  • Free running stop and brake function


  • Arduino Motor Shield x1



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