Thursday, December 20, 2018

Arduino 1.77" SPI LCD Module with SD


The Arduino TFT screen is discontinued now. We recommend those LCD displays as suitable replacement where you might find some products that you need.

The Arduino TFT screen is a backlit LCD screen with headers. You can draw text, images, and shapes to the screen with the TFT library. There is an onboard micro-SD card slot on the back of the screen that can store bitmap images to be displayed.

The screen's headers are designed to fit into the socket on the front of the Arduino Esplora; also it is compatible with any AVR-based Arduino (arduino Uno, arduino Leonardo, etc) or with the Arduino Due. If you want to connect the screen with other Arduino boards, read the tutorial on this link.


  • The screen is 1.77" diagonal, with 160 x 128 pixel resolution. The TFT library interfaces with the screen's controller through SPI when using the TFT library. Refer to the screen's data sheet for complete details.

  • The screen runs on +5 VDC

  • The micro-SD slot is accessible through the SD card library.

  • The LED backlight is dimmable by PWM.

  • The screen's headers are laid out so it easily sockets into the Arduino Esplora and Arduino Robot.


  • Arduino TFT screen x1



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