Wednesday, December 12, 2018

4.3 Inch E-Paper 800x600


This is a 4.3-inch e-ink display module, supports a maximum resolution of 800x600, using serial communication, built-in Chinese and English fonts. It also supports low power consumption mode. If you don't want to know the complex working theory of E-ink screen, or the algorithms of graphics, text, and pictures, it will be your best choice. You only need a serial port to implement all features, let it go! Unleash your creative potential.

4.3 Inch E-Paper Project

4.3 Inch E-Paper Project 1: E-Paper Weather Display With Photon and IFTTT

If you have an E-Reader such as a Barnes & Noble NOOK or an Amazon Kindle then you're already familiar with e-paper. The e-paper display on your e-reader is what allows you to read it in direct sunlight without any glare. However, you also know that the e-paper screen takes a really long time to update. This means that you can't use it for gaming, but it's perfect for providing you with timely weather information wherever you need it! This super-simple project creates just that with minimal assembly and coding time. Let's dive in!

YouTube Subscriber Device with ESP8266

4.3" e-Paper Display - No Need to Energy

Hardware Components:

  • E-Paper Display

  • Micro SD Card

  • Particle Photon

  • Micro USB Cable


  • Operatiing Voltage: 3.3~5.5V

  • Font Library: Support 32/48/64 GBK Chinese font; 32/48/64 GBK English font

  • Storge: Built-in 128MB NandFlash

  • resolution: 800×600

  • Baudrate: 115200 bps (default)

  • Sleep current: 5mA

  • Dimension: 118*75mm (L*W)(4.65*2.95")

  • Weight: 72g


  • 4.3 inch E-ink screen           x1

  • XH2.54 6PIN cable               x1



Belgium, Sweden, Namibia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Belize, Albania, Guyana, United States of America (USA), Libya, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Morocco, Trinidad & Tobago, Gabon, Malta, Sao Tome and Principe, Estonia, Chile, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Lithuania, Singapore, Comoros, Honduras, Somalia, Burundi, Korea, Republic of (South Korea), Malaysia, Senegal, Bermuda, Seychelles, Swaziland, Eritrea, Turkey, Panama, Suriname, Oman, Djibouti, Bahamas, Antigua & Barbuda, Afghanistan, France, South Sudan, Laos, Macedonia, Republic of, Benin, Algeria, Congo, Virgin Islands (UK), Vietnam, Lebanon, Mauritania, Poland, Jordan, Finland, Sudan, Tajikistan, Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea), Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe, Reunion, Peru, Bolivia, South Africa, Haiti, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Bhutan, Armenia, Malawi, El Salvador, Uganda, Indonesia, Greece, Jamaica, Czech Republic, Australia, Pakistan, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Venezuela, Pacific Islands, Zambia, Maldives, Guinea-Bissau, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Lesotho, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Dominica, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Qatar, Serbia, China - Hong Kong / Macau, China, Latvia, Puerto Rico, Liberia, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Argentina, Chad, Madagascar, Azerbaijan, Martinique, Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Mayotte, Norway, Samoa, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Denmark, Costa Rica, Togo, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Anguilla, Yemen, Angola, Austria, Mauritius, Iceland, Ukraine, India, Tunisia, Niger, Bangladesh, Kenya, Japan, Montenegro, Syria, Myanmar/Burma, Uzbekistan, Timor Leste, Russian Federation, French Guiana, United Arab Emirates, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Burkina Faso, Fiji, Brazil, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Croatia, Paraguay, Guinea, Cape Verde, Ghana, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Great Britain, Nicaragua, Monaco, Netherlands, Philippines, Montserrat, Iran, Cambodia, Guadeloupe, Virgin Islands (US), Mongolia, Italy, Barbados, Spain, Turks & Caicos Islands, Botswana, Rwanda, Nigeria, Thailand, Iraq, Egypt, Uruguay, Romania, Turkmenistan, Portugal, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Kosovo, Georgia, Mozambique, Andorra, Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC), Sri Lanka, Hungary, New Zealand, Belarus, Moldova, Republic of, Cyprus, Mali, Grenada, Ecuador, Tanzania, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Kuwait, Gambia

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